Columbia River Sailing

Here's a little information about the Columbia River boating
area. Some information contained here is from my experience and
much more is from other folks. I've not cruised the full
navigable length of the river myself though I'd like to. You'll
notice that I've mentioned places where someone liked the food or
the service or they actually had what was needed. A good job may
be its own reward but I like to give credit where credit is due.
If you have any additional information or differing opinions I'd
be HAPPY to receive it, send me some email at I'll do
my best to work your information into this page as expeditiously
as I can. Thanks for cruising by and remember to check current
publications and local advice BEFORE you set out.
Oregon Boater Education Card is mandatory for Oregon Boaters
with cards required to be carried by younger boaters beginning in
2003. There are changes in the boating rules for Oregon. Check
the link for all the answers. Get your card now and avoid the
Registration rules have changed for boats moored in the water but
not showing current registration. Boats must now be currently
registered if they are IN THE WATER. This means no more letting
the registration slide if you aren't taking the boat out. The
rule on this was clarified as of 8 OCT 02.
What you can find here
Pages about the area
- U.S.
Coast Guard Marine Safety Office/Group, Portland Oregon
- This includes Oregon, Southern Washington and Western
Idaho. Information and reporting on Oil Spills, Marine
Emergencies, Safety Bulletins, Maritime Law Enforcement
and much more.
- Oregon State
Marine Board
- Where you can find all you need to know or do to obtain
your new Boater Education Card which is becoming
mandatory for Oregon Boaters.
- The U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers
- North Pacific Division, Portland District runs the
Columbia River's dams. Their pages have information on
all the dams and transiting
the locks. Additional information about river
activity is available at Bonneville
Lock and Dam which has current info on navigation
restrictions on both the Columbia and Willamette rivers
as well as the Bonneville Dam.
- Vancouver Lake Sailing
- Small boat sailing in Vancouver, Washington
- Cruising
the Columbia River - Cascade Locks to the Dalles by N.
Mark Wiltz.
- He discusses Wind, Current, Navigation, and Anchoring in
the Columbia River Gorge area and east to the Dalles.
- A
Pictorial of the Bridges of Portland, Oregon and
excellent information about them.
- Capt. Brent
O. Forsberg of Northwest Yacht Deliveries
- This has some good piloting and navigation information
- Port of
Ilwaco Web Page The town of Ilwaco, Washington is
behind Cape Disappointment very near the mouth of the
- Columbia River. This site includes web cams of Ilwaco and
the Columbia River Bar.
Mail Comments to Richard Green
Last Updated on Nov 5, 2002