Ram Lamb Update
Ram lambs came off their mothers yesterday on July 14th. The weather is hot and some of their mother's bags are still heavy with milk. The lambs are 2 1/2 to 3 months old right now. In two more weeks all the lambs will be at least 3 months and I will sort out the best breeding rams. Not all the lambs are pictured here. There's a nice selection. The rams are on grass, some alfalfa and fruits from the orchard.
hair ram lamb eatng
hair ram lambs eating tree leaves
hair ram lambs under tree
misty hair ram walking
hair rams in orchard
hair rams with beautiful coats
hair lambs with golden fibers
hair ram lamb watching bee
thick body hair ram lambs
mohawk hair ram
hair ram lambs grazing grass
hair ewes with heavy milk
hair ram eating dandelions
Ewe photos below..Mothers with their ewe lambs, sisters to the rams above
hair ewes with ewe lambs
hair ewes in hot weather

Photos and Design by Carol Gomes/Updated January 7, 2014

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